September 2016 Time Machine Update

… The stainless steel construction makes the flux disbursement …

In just a few more days, around September 2nd or 3rd, the DeLorean Time Machine aka; TEAM TIMECAR, will be on the road again. Here are some photos to view from my visit the DMC-West with past Fireballer Peter ‘”McFly” Corel and Team Timecar Strategist, to pick up some if the old parts. Don’t be surprised if you see some of them up for sale. We are planning on putting together parts that were burned and making them into small framed display cases and offering them to the public. Sorry. We have decided that the larger piece like the Mr. Fusion, OUTATIME plate, and other prices will remain in the BTTF Museum. The largest being what’s left of the rear bumper.

We will start our TEAM TIMECAR “MAKE AMERICA GREAT” 2016 TOUR on September 8, 2016 to cities across America to unveil the new and restored TEAM TIMECAR. Below is the first half of that tour. I will post the entire tour here soon.

The completed car photos will start to roll in as we reach the cities on our tour. Look for Special “Give-A-Ways” along the way.

Reba and I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone that called, texted, emailed, Facebook Post, Facebook Messenger, and what ever else I missed as to how the car was coming along. We love you all. Now, See you as we “Make America Great” or is it GREAT SCOTT!!! A crime fighting time machine setting the past straight. No just putting “Miles of Smiles” of kids and adults faces. Now “That’s Heavy.”

Thanks, Doc

Mailing Address

for Parts and Donations:

Paul “Doc” Nigh, Team Timecar
32295 Mission Trail
Suite R8 – PMB# 273
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530


towards the Team Timecar DeLorean Time Machine can be sent via PayPal.

Indicate in the Memo section what it is for:

  • Donations to Team Timecar
  • Thank you to Hayze